Test-Taking Skills Are Essential for College-Bound Students

Test-taking skills are extremely important for college-bound students to learn. As students progress from elementary school into middle school, teachers utilize testing more to ensure mastery of subject knowledge. Assignments in most classes are still focused on in-class work, [...]

Summer Is the Best Time to Prep for the SAT, ACT or PSAT Test

Summer is the time of year where High School students kickback, relax, hang out with friends, work a summer job, or dip their feet in a cool swimming pool. Without the rigors of school, summer is the perfect time [...]

Spring Fever

How to Combat Spring Fever

Spring break is almost here! The sickness called “spring fever” along with procrastination is in the air. With everything students have on their plates, procrastination will destroy their grades.  Being organized combats these feelings.  So here is a prescription [...]

8 Study Skill Habits That “A” Students Utilize

Being an “A” student doesn’t mean one is smarter or works harder than other students.  What an “A” means is one has learned how to study smarter.  As one advances in one’s education, this becomes even more evident.  Within [...]

A Fresh Start Getting Organized

The New Year is a fantastic time for a fresh start. A fresh start involves eliminating clutter. As a mom, piles are my Achilles heel. One must deal with piles of bills, piles of books, piles of magazines, piles [...]

December Checklist

Congratulations! You have made it halfway through the school year. For students in high school, this month brings finals. For all other grades, big projects, papers and group activities are due before the holidays.   It is very tempting for [...]

Group Success

Practical Advice on How to Finish the Year Strong

When one thinks of the holiday season many thoughts come to mind. For many moms, it is a time to take a step back, take a deep breath, reflect, count our blessings and ponder, “What did I forget?”   Many [...]

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